Support our bid for a U.S.
National Forestry Day
On 20 March 2018 Nicole Jacobsen (WDNR) and Bart Lawrence (NRCS) shared an idea to create a National Forestry Day.
On 25 May 2018 our NWFSC team submitted a proposal to register 30 March 2019 as the first U.S. National Forestry Day.
Justification submitted for the nomination of March 30th as a U.S. National Forestry Day:
“The first National Forest was established as the Yellowstone Park Timber and Land Reserve on March 30, 1891, then in the Department of the Interior.” Source: USFS forest history factoids
International Forestry Day is on March 21.
There is a US #NationalAGDay. On this day the nation pauses to celebrate the many farmers and ranchers working hard to grow the food, fuel and fiber that sustain each and every one of us.
NOTE: ARBOR DAY is about urban trees and settings. Arbor Day is celebrated on different dates across the 50 States and US Territories.
We of the NW Forest Soils Council feel strongly that the nation should have a #NationalForestryDay.
We propose 30 March, beginning in 2019, to hence forth be designated as National Forestry Day in the United States of America.
Next Steps:
Nicole is working on drafting a factsheet.
It will live here when done.
Letter of Support
Need to draft a short and sweet letter of support
to be inserted on other organizations' letterhead
or into "Contact Us" forms and email text.
Social Media Campaign
Plan and implement a National Forestry Day social media campaign.
Suggested Hash Tags:
Promote with current/new NWFSC FB and Twitter friends and feeds to build interest and support
Media Event
Plan and schedule a future media event. Possibly at upcoming conferences:
Western Mensurationists Annual Meeting; Flagstaff, AZ; June 2018
Society of American Foresters; Portland, OR; October 2018
PNW Chapters of the Society for Ecological Restoration and Society of Wetland Scientists; Spokane, WA; October 2018
Other Info:
WDNR Forest Resources
"DNR's Working Forests are the Natural Legacy of Washington State" ~ Commissioner Hilary Franz
Specifically, check out:
The latest issue of The Learning Forest;
Info about Habitat Conservation on
State Trust Lands;
and Growing State Forests through Silviculture and at the Nursery
UW Center for the Study of the
Pacific Northwest
Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Placing Washington's Forests in Historical Context
The Solutions Journal
Forestry Balances Profit and Conservation in the Pacific Northwest